During periods of Remote Learning throughout 2020 and 2021, St. Mary’s offered a new way of working for our students and families. Through selective pedagogical choices and a variety of online platforms, St Mary’s sought to develop deep learning, powerful teaching and to create animated learners who are inspired by the Holy Spirit to act for justice and strive for the common good.
Remote Learning at St Mary’s was a positive and enriching experience for all members of our community. Our staff approach this uncharted period collaboratively, which ensured a consistent and streamlined approach for students and their families. All of our teaching and learning programs such as Intervention (Literacy and Mathematics) and Enrichment, continued during this time.
As outlined in our Remote Learning Plan for families, attached below, staff designed and regularly updated our St Mary’s Learning at Home portal, which provided easy accessibility to students’ virtual classrooms and helpful information for their families.

Throughout our repeated experiences of Remote Learning during 2020 and 2021, staff received many messages of gratitude and support from our parents, including the Chair of our Parish Education Advisory Board, and Co-President of the Parent Committee, as seen below.
"On behalf of the members of the PEAB and myself, thank you to the staff for the professionalism and care that they have shown during remote learning and this has been equally comprehensive in the return to school approach.
The Remote Learning period has also given parents an extraordinary insight into the school’s curriculum and teaching methods, and a greater appreciation for the wonderful work of our teachers. Our school community has shown great strength during this tough period. "
We wish to extend a huge thank you to all staff at St Mary’s for the enormous effort that has been invested in supporting our children to learn remotely and maintain a feeling a belonging and connectedness to their school community. Families and caregivers have been extremely well supported to step into our new roles in the home classroom, with encouragement and positive reinforcement being received from staff on a daily basis for both students and families. Speaking from personal experience, the unexpected insight into the teacher-student relationship has been a highlight of the pandemic.
"I am in awe of what you do for and with our children. You work so hard and provide stimulating, meaningful content to engage them. It makes me feel privileged to have my son's learning in such safe, caring hands.
As a former teacher myself (secondary school), I know how hard you must be working and I cannot thank you enough. I've been watching, reading, listening - not just today but for years - and you do a wonderful job. An ordinary teaching workload is immense and never ending, but the current task at hand is way beyond.
I look forward to the day that we can get back to normality (as soon as is safe for everyone). In the meantime, I hope you manage to have some YOU time to replenish and take care of yourselves."
"It is clear from the content provided that a significant amount of time, effort, co-ordination and thought has gone into preparing and bringing together the school material for all students.
I would like to take the opportunity to thank you and the other staff on everything provided to date, especially in the short time period. We have found the instructions well detailed and easy to follow. Our daughter enjoyed her first day of remote learning and liked seeing her classmates on Google Meets. Thanks again."
"Thank you so much for all the work you have put into Remote Learning. It is amazing, the standard is fantastic and we are very lucky. St Mary’s offerings far exceed any others I have come across."
"My husband and I applaud you and rest of St. Mary’s staff for all the work you have done! We are beyond impressed with the level of information and “easy” transition into their new home learning life. We feel so blessed with the guidance and support the staff have provided. A BIG thank you from us!"