Senior Years

All students in Year 6 are leaders of our community. They are role models who take on responsibilities across the school. The leadership skills that are taught at St. Mary’s assist students to become Christians who confidently and actively participate as leaders, in the wider community.

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Year 6 School Leaders

All senior students have a chance to lead within our community by participating in a variety of activities across the school. Year 6 students are prepared through leadership induction sessions held in Year 5 and by attending the GRIP Leadership Conference. Year 6 students form leadership teams to support school initiatives in Social Justice/SRC, Sports and Activities, STEM, Sustainability and Media Arts.

Leaders of Social Justice/SRC

Working with members of our local community, Year 6 students have successfully raised awareness and much needed resources for the St. Vincent DePaul Society, Malvern Food Drive, The Smith Family and Fight MND. Leaders of Social Justice/SRC also run fortnightly SRC meetings with younger students.

Leaders of Sports and Activities

At St. Mary’s our Year 6 leaders are involved in a large variety of sporting events. The Year 6 students have the opportunity to represent the school in interschool sports and many students have the opportunity to participate in district sporting events. The Leaders of Sport and Activities organise games and activities on the playground and for special events, such as Footy Colours Day.

Leaders of STEM

Our STEM Leaders are extremely passionate about all things digital, including, but not limited to, computers, Bee Bots, coding and iPads. Leaders in this team facilitate weekly lunchtime Coding Clubs, where all students are invited to come along and explore a variety of devices and resources. Another role our leaders in this team fulfil, is working closely with staff by assisting teachers regularly with their Digital Technology and Cyber Safety lessons. Setting up the digital devices for our weekly school assemblies is another role this fabulous team fulfil.

Leaders of Sustainability

Working with members of the school community, Year 6 students have facilitated the establishment of the school Vegetable Garden and Worm Farm. The Leaders of Sustainability plant, care for and harvest vegetables that are then eaten or sold so that gardening equipment can be purchased. Leaders of Sustainability also educate teachers and students in best practices to save electricity and care for our environment.

Leaders of The Media Arts

Students in Year 6 who form The Media Arts Leadership group are passionate about the arts and work closely with our Visual Arts and Music teachers in preparation for the biennial Visual Art Show and Whole School Concert, as well as assisting in weekly lunchtime art clubs.